The Mystery Shopping Toolbox
The Mystery Shopping Toolbox
The Mystery Shopping Toolbox
A well-stocked mystery shopping toolbox including flexible form design, a variety of survey delivery options, Instant Feedback Response questions, and real-time reporting allow you to compose a realistic and clear image of your business.
Mystery Shopping is an effective and unique market research tool using professional evaluators (Mystery Shoppers) to perform customer shopping scenarios and report on every aspect of their experience. Mystery Shopper feedback provides valuable insights which take the mystery out of service, customer satisfaction, quality improvement, and industry excellence.
Why every growing business needs mystery shopping:
Why every growing business needs mystery shopping:
Standards: Measure company standards across any scenario
Compliance: Verify that staff is in compliance with ethical and legal requirements.
Security: Monitor staff integrity concerning customer transactions – are they giving proper receipts, correct change, accurate tallies?
Training Needs Assessment: Determine the strongest and weakest links in the service chain and what training is indicated, as well as track the effectiveness of the training provided.
Continuous Improvement: Identify best practices to allow each location and staff member to achieve excellence.
Incentives: Spotlight those in organizations who deserve recognition for service excellence and job performance
Industry Excellence: Clearly show how companies benchmarks against the best-of-breed companies in industries by service, price, or both
Competition Monitor: Target direct competitors to compare and evaluate customer experiences and advance marketing strategy.
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